What is a complaint?
Holywell has a straightforward complaints procedure. We want always to improve the service we provide to the children who use our services, so it is important that anything that you are concerned about, dissatisfied with, or problems you have, or things that you are worried about are brought to the attention of the staff. We want to make sure that all matters, however slight, which concern Holywell’s services are brought to the attention of the staff. During our regular assessments and reviews with you we will remind you about Holywell’s complaints policy and procedure. The staff of Holywell Children’s Services will always encourage you to speak freely about your concerns, fears and views. If you require an advocate, we will arrange for one to support you to make your views clear.
How can I complain?
You can complain to any member of staff and they will bring your complaints to the attention of the manager or the responsible individual. Many complaints can probably be resolved quickly and easily. All complaints will be recorded in writing even if they are easily resolved. Any concerns that you, your family or friends might have, can be brought to the attention of the management of Holywell either in face to face discussions or in writing. If you write to us, you will get a written response within five working days. We will give you a written response to verbal complaints if you ask for one when you make the complaint.
What happens to a complaint?
The member of staff receiving a complaint will record it in an incident book – together with a brief report of any action taken and bring it to the attention of the manager as soon as possible.
If you want to complain to the social worker, please contact your local council or call your local police on 101 if you think a child is at risk.
If a child is in immediate danger, call 999.
To complain about childcare you can get in touch with Ofsted at enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk or 0300 123 4666.